Meet our Sports Council 2025
Our sports council went to the EIS and participated in some iceskating. We then watched a qualifying ice hockey match between Spain and the Netherlands. What a fantastic day!
Here are our Sports Council Members for 2022-2023
Our Sports Council have been elected by their teams to represent their peers and have several responsibilities; the most important one is providing a voice for all pupils in the school in all matters regarding sport and PE. We are enthusiastic about discussing the future of sport in our school. Each of the children represents the school voice in all sporting decisions.
Our sports council consists of pupils made up of 1 or 2 children from each year group in year 1 to year 6 and our integrated resource unit- The HIVE. We aim to have at least one meeting half termly. This is when the children’s ideas flow and they help to make a difference to school sport. They ensure sport is seen as inclusive and accessible to all members of our school. Our members take opinions from their peers and feedback information which helps to inform decisions and create our school sporting ethos.
Our Sports Council support 4 main aims:
1.To ensure that all children enjoy and have FUN when being physically active!
2.To inspire and develop children's knowledge and skills in a range of activities.
3.To share important pupil voice and make a change!
4.To promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles through providing sports activities which are inclusive.
PE at Arbourthorne
Teachers at Arbourthorne work closely with our Sports Leader Alex Spiers and PE lead Gemma Butler to engage in coaching and CPD to ensure all pupils engage with, and enjoy, their PE lessons and active lifestyles. PE Intent We believe in the power of physical activity on the body and mind. Our PE scheme, Get Set 4 PE, is designed to be progressive and build the necessary skills for success in PE and our sports leader works closely with colleagues to ensure PE lessons are of a high quality through a team teaching approach. Mentoring sessions are also used to engage pupils through sport.
We were awarded the Silver Schools Games Mark in 2022 and are actively working towards achieving the Gold standard. We were praised for the pupils dedication to all aspects of physical activity and school sport, including developing young volunteer leaders who return from their secondary schools to support after school activities. One former pupil has just achieved his referee qualifications. We work closely with Sheffield High who provide opportunities for us to use their facilities and learn from their students and staff who are renowned for their sporting excellence and staff and students at the school offer 'expert' sessions in athletics, tennis, and netball for our pupils.
We have healthy Ambassadors in school who have been taught approaches to healthy lifestyles as part of our Self Help Independence, Nutrition and Exercise (SHINE) Health Academy. Two colleagues are trained by nutrition and health experts from the NHS to deliver healthy lifestyle programmes to groups of children throughout the year. We encourage our children to find alternatives to travelling to school by car and have a bike and scooter park which is very popular. |
Visitors in 2022-23 have offered golf experience days and martial arts taster events to enhance our PE programme.
PE Overview
PE Progression
The slides below provide some examples of PE taking place at Arbourthorne and some of the sporting events we host or attend. Our ambition is for all children to be healthy and active, establishing good routines from a young age. We have enjoyed a great deal of sporting success with our children winning competitions at a local level, particularly in football. We utilise the support of experts across a range of sports and our children take part in inter school competitions and tournaments organised via our LINKS sports partner Craig Malkin.