School Improvement Priorities 2024-25
We write a School development plan in partnership with Governors which has a long term vision and annual goals. We choose our priorities by looking at the needs of our learners, reviewing how well children achieve by the end of the year as individuals and compared to National expectations, by addressing areas of need identified by external consultants and local authority reviews and reflecting on what we want children to learn and achieve by the time they leave our school. We look at the starting points of our children, identify weaker areas and build programmes that will support rapid developments.
This year our Governor Tracked Targets are:
- Pedagogy: including Kagan (cooperative learning techniques which require oral rehearsal) and consistent approaches to T and L in the curriculum
- Attendance: To continue improving the attendance outcomes of individuals and reducing persistent absence within revised guidance.
- PSHE/ RSE: To make adaptations to the content and delivery of the programme in line with Government guidance.
- Oracy/ Approaches to EAL (literacy) and quality talk for writing: To secure the development of approaches to the oracy framework, maximising progress for all learners
- School and Community: An Even Better Arbourthorne Developing the concept of ‘more than a school’ with University of Modena, Reggio Emilia, University of Sheffield, Hub network and Arbourthorne (research development). Addressing the needs of the wider community and school as a community hub (food and nutrition, health inequality, sustainable living)